
Your customers are the businesses, organizations and/or individuals that purchase your products.

To add a customer to QuickTrack RFID, first click the "Customers" button underneath "Users" on the left side of your screen (as seen below highlighted in purple).

Customers Button

Customers Menu

This button will lead you to the main menu for your customers.

  • To change the number of rows that are displayed, click the dropdown menu that the blue arrow above points at. The options include 10, 25, 50 and 100 rows.
  • The red arrow points to the Filters button, where you can sort your customers by Active, Inactive and All.
    • Once you've made a selection, you can either click on the purple "Show Results" button or click on "Cancel" if you wish to stop.

Filter by Status

  • Moving between pages can be done by clicking one of two buttons next to the orange arrow, either "Previous" or "Next".

Create a Customer

  • To create a customer, follow the green arrow to the purple "Add Customer" button and then click on it.
    • This will lead you to the "Add Customer" menu where you can fill out information. Anything that's marked with a red asterisk is mandatory and the rest is optional. Make sure to put https://www. in front of your website URL for it to work properly, otherwise the system will tell you that your URL is invalid.

Add Customer Menu

    • To create an address, follow the black arrow and click on that button to add an address. Once you've filled out all of the entry fields, click the purple "Done" button to complete it or the white "Cancel" button to stop.
    • Delete an address by pressing the purple trash can icon to the right of the address you want to delete.

Delete an Address

  • After adding everything that you wanted to add for a customer, click on the purple "Add Customer" at the bottom-right corner to confirm. If you wish to cancel out of customer creation, click the white "Cancel" button.

Add Customer and Cancel Buttons

  • After you've created a customer, if the creation was successful you'll get a green notification in the upper-right corner of your screen that says "Customer saved successfully".

Customer Saved Successfully Notification

When you have created multiple customers, they can be filtered/sorted by using the buttons next to the categories like Organization, Name, Phone Number, Email Address and their status.

  • The default line order means that no filter is being applied.
  • If the lines are descending then it's going from the highest number to the lowest number or in reverse of alphabetical order.
  • If the lines are ascending then it's going from the lowest number to the highest number or in alphabetical order.

View/Edit Customer Information

To view or edit something about your customer, click the "three dots" menu on the right side of the customer (indicated by the blue arrow below).

View/Edit Customer Information

The following menu options will appear afterwards:

Menu Options

  • View Details: Here you can view the customer name, email, phone number, website and organization name along with the address. Any orders for the customer will be displayed near the bottom of the screen.

View Details

    • You can also edit the customer's details, mark them as inactive or active and delete them from this same menu using the buttons in the corners of the screen on the View Details page.
  • Edit Details: You can change the details of your customer here or add/delete an address. Please see the "Add a Customer" section in this article for details on how editing works.
  • Mark Inactive/Active: To activate or deactivate a customer, which serves as a "soft deletion", press this button. You'll receive a warning that you must confirm before taking this action.

Mark Customer Inactive

  • Delete Customer: This deletes the selected customer from QuickTrack RFID.

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