
Your sales are purchases from your customers that are entered into QuickTrack RFID.

To access your Sales, click the "Sales" button under "Orders" on the leftmost menu.

Sales Order Button

Sales Order Main Menu

This will take you to the main "Sales Orders" menu.

  • To change the number of rows that are displayed, follow the blue arrow to the dropdown menu and select your choice.
    • You can choose between 10, 25, 50 and 100 rows being displayed at a time.
  • The "Previous" and "Next" buttons are pointed at by the red arrow above. These let you switch between pages of your suppliers.
  • "Filters" can be found next to the green arrow. Status can be sorted by "All," "Active" or "Inactive". Press the purple "Show Results" button to filter or the white "Cancel" button to stop. The "Clear All" text in the top right corner of the menu will get rid of all currently applied filters.


    • Once a filter has been applied, a green circle will appear on the "Filters" button to let you know that a filter is currently on.

Filters Applied Button

  • To create a sales order, click on the purple "Create Order" button in the upper-right side of your screen.

Create Order Button

Creating a Sales Order

After the purple "Create Order" button has been clicked, you'll be lead to the menu where you create your sales order.

  • Any field that is marked with a red asterisk is a field that must be filled out.

Create Sale Order

Once you've filled in the customer's email, name and the order creation/completion date, you'll begin entering in the Billing Address and the Shipping Address by selecting one from the available options.

  • If your shipping address is the same as your billing address, you can click the "Same as Billing Address" checkmark to the right of the shipping address title, as seen below:

Add Products: To add product(s) to a Sales Order, click on the "Add Products" button.

Add Products Button

  • After clicking on that button, you'll see the "Add Products" menu where you add products to the sales order.

Add Products Menu

  • To change the amount of products that you're seeing on one page, click on the dropdown menu that says "Show ... entries" to change the amount between 10, 25, 50 or 100.

Show Entries

  • Switch between pages of your products with the "Previous" and "Next" buttons.

Previous and Next Page Button

  • To add a product, click the checkmark box on the leftmost side (next to the product's name) and it will turn into a blue box with a white checkmark.
  • You can create new products for a sales order by using the "Create New Product" button on the bottom left of the "Add Products" menu (pointed at by the blue arrow in the image below).

Create New Product

The same process that was used for adding a product can also be used to add a package. Click on the "Package" tab (next to the blue arrow below) and then the "Add Package" button to put packages into the order.

Package Tab

Added products can have the quantity or reserved quantity changed for them by clicking the up or down arrows or by typing in the number you want.

Product Tab

To delete a product, use the red trash can icon on the right side. This is also where the price is located for a product (based on the quantity selected).

Delete a Product

The next section is "Attachments and Notes," where you can create a description for your asset.

Attachments and Notes

Attachments can be added with the "Add Attachment" button. A wide variety of file types are supported, such as Word documents, PDFs, Excel files and .png images.

  • To get rid of a file that you have added, click on the purple x button in the top right corner of the file you wish to delete.

Next, you'll fill out the shipping and payment details. Any field that's marked with a red asterisk is mandatory, while the fields that aren't marked with one are optional.

Shipping Details and Payment Details

Upon completion of the fields, press the purple "Create Order" button to finish the order or the "Cancel" button if you want to stop.

Create order or cancel button

If you've successfully created an order, you'll get a green "Order saved successfully" notification.

After you've created multiple orders, they can be sorted using the filtering button besides a category (as seen highlighted in yellow below):

Order ID Filter

  • If the longest line is in the middle, no filter is being applied.
  • When the longest line is at the top and the shortest line is at the bottom, the numbers go from the highest to lowest as you go down or in reverse-alphabetical order for letters.
  • If the shortest line is at the top, then the numbers go from lowest to highest and/or the letters are in alphabetical order.

If you want to view the details of a sales order, click the "three dots" dropdown button to the right of the order. This is also the location where you can cancel a sales order.

View Details or Cancel Order

When you attempt to cancel an order, a warning will appear. Click on "Cancel Order" to confirm or the "Cancel" button to back out of canceling the order.

There are a few different order statuses on QuickTrack RFID after you've clicked on "View Details". These can be changed as needed to match the status of the order.

  • Placed: The customer has requested an order, but nothing has been done with it yet.
  • Shipped: Your organization has shipped out this order to the customer.
  • Completed: The customer has received the order and it's been paid for.
  • Cancelled: The customer has cancelled the order they submitted.

After you've picked an order status, you'll see a green update notification in the upper-right corner of your screen that says "Order status changed successfully".

If an order has been marked as "Order Status: Completed" then you'll be able to generate an invoice for the order. This can be done by clicking on the purple "Generate Invoice" button in the top right corner as shown by the blue arrow below:

Generate Invoice Button

Once you've clicked on this button, it'll open up a document of your invoice in a new tab. You can either download it with the "down arrow" icon in the upper right corner or print it off with the icon on the furthest right side.

Invoice PDF

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