Scan Inventory

The Scan Inventory feature allows you to obtain a list of products that are found in a selected site or location.

To begin accessing the "Scan Inventory" feature, you're going to click on the purple button at the center of the bottom menu and then you'll click on "Scan Inventory" as shown by the blue arrow down below.

Inventory Tracking

Once you've clicked on the "Scan Inventory" button you'll be taken to a screen where you'll be asked to enter in the details of the inventory you're wishing to take a scan of.

  • This includes the Warehouse, Rack Number and Bin Number.

Enter Inventory Details

Once you've entered in the information, you can begin scanning your tags through either Barcode or RFID.

The "Scan Barcode" will look like this on your phone:

Scan Barcode

Once you've scanned the barcodes, click on the "Save" button to scan them into your inventory.

You can also use an RFID reader by clicking on the RFID reader icon on the top left corner of your screen (shown by the blue arrow below).

Select RFID Scan

The RFID reader scanning page will look like the image below. As you scan the number of assets that show up will be displayed in the purple circle at the top of your screen (as seen in the image below).

Number of Assets During Scan in Progress

Complete Scan and Items Scanned Buttons

After you've done this, the results of your scan will show up under "Items Scanned" after you click that button (pictured above). You can also click on the "Complete Scan" button to finish up the scan you're doing. There will be four different categories your scanned items could fall into (as seen in the image below):

Scan Result: Found, Missing, Misplaced and New

Found: This indicates any inventory items that were previously missing from your inventory that have been found with the scan you just did.

Missing: These are inventory items that are not present at the location you scanned them at.

Misplaced: Items that should be in a different location that are found during the inventory scan.

New: Items that aren't currently in your inventory.

To save the results of your scan, click on the purple "Save" button located at the bottom of your screen (shown by the blue arrow in the image below).

Scan Result

If the scan results have been saved successfully, you'll get the notification shown below:

Data Saved Successfully

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