Overview for Mobile

In this section, we'll be going over a general overview of the mobile application for QuickTrack RFID.

To access the Overview, click on the "Home" button located on the bottom-left corner of your screen (colored purple in the image below).

Bottom Menu in Mobile

This will lead you to the "Overview" menu where you can take a look at the various features that QuickTrack RFID has to offer. It will look like the image below:

Overview Menu

The first menu at the top is your "Inventory" menu. You'll use this to look at products, categories and packages.

Click the "Qty in Hand" button (pointed at by the blue arrow below) to access the products you currently have.

Qty in Hand

This will lead you to a page where you can see all of the products that you have in the QuickTrack RFID system.

Products Menu

  • The blue arrow is pointing to the tab that's currently selected/highlighted in purple, which is currently "all". This is where you'll view your products.
  • With the red arrow, it's pointing at the search bar where you can look for specific product.
  • Filter your results by using the filter button next to the green arrow.

Filter Menu

With the filter menu brought up, you can sort by status, categories, packages or the price.

  • If a checkmark box next to a filter like "Active" (shown above) is selected for Status (the box is purple with a white checkmark), then that filter will be applied when you go to apply your filters.
  • For the Categories and Packages filters, there will be a search bar above the checkmark boxes where you can search for what you're looking to filter by.
  • Price will have a sliding bar where you can set the lowest and highest prices you want to see when you filter.
  • If you want to get rid of the filters you have, click on "Clear All" on the upper-right corner of your screen.

Once you've selected the filters that you want, click on the purple "Apply" button at the bottom of the screen.

To know if a filter is being applied, look at the funnel-shaped button to the right of the search bar. If there's a red dot in the corner of it, then a filter is being applied.

Filter Applied

To access your categories, you can either click on the "All Categories" button (the blue arrow below) from underneath "Inventory":

All Categories

Or you can click on the "Categories" tab (blue arrow below) while you're looking at the "Products" main menu (the black arrow below).

Categories Tab

  • To search by a specific category, use the search bar that's being pointed at by the red arrow above.
  • Filtering your categories can be done by using the filter button (shown by the green arrow above).

Filter Your Categories

  • Once the filter button has been clicked, you can filter by either the number of products or the number of categories that you're looking for by using the number slider.
  • To get rid of any filters you've applied, click on "Clear All" in the upper-right corner and then click "Apply" at the bottom.
  • After adding or taking away any filters you wanted to, click on the purple "Apply" button at the bottom of the screen.

To know if a filter is being applied, look at the funnel-shaped button to the right of the search bar. If there's a red dot in the corner of it, then a filter is being applied.

Filter Applied Button

The last thing that you can filter your products by is your packages.

  • To do this, click on the "Packages" button on the upper-right side of your screen when you're within the "Products" menu as seen below:

Packages Tab

  • You can also click on "Packages" from the "Inventory" menu
  • In a similar fashion to your products, you can search for packages with the search bar or click on the funnel/filter button to filter your packages by specific criteria.
    • When you filter by "Status", you'll click on the criteria that you want to look for such as active, inactive or reserved.
    • To filter by "Products" or "Price" you'll be using a sliding number bar and creating a number range that you want to filter by.
  • After that you'll click on the purple "Apply" button at the bottom of your screen.
  • To know if a filter is being applied, look at the funnel button to the right of the search bar and see if there's a red dot there.

Filter Applied Button

Order Details

This section explains the details of various orders for your organization.

It starts with your Purchase Orders, which are things that your company is purchasing from another supplier or business.

Purchase Order Menu

There are 4 different categories that are under your order details.

  1. Total Orders: This is a combination of all of the other different order types that you have all under one section: All of your Complete Orders, Partial Orders and To be Delivered Orders from your suppliers.
    1. When you click on this one, it'll guide you to a page where you can see all of the Purchase Orders that your organization has made (pictured below). These Purchase Orders can be clicked on for more information about them.

Purchase Order Tab

  1. Complete Orders: Orders from your suppliers that have been successfully delivered and completed.
  2. Partial Orders: These are orders where some part of them has been delivered but not all of them.
  3. To be Delivered Orders: Orders that have yet to be fulfilled.

You can filter your Purchase Orders by clicking on the funnel icon filter button that's to the upper right of your Purchase Orders.

Filter Purchase Order

A date range filter will appear. You can select from the available options by clicking on one of the circles next to it or you can enter in a custom date range.

The "Clear All" button in the upper right corner can be clicked if you want to get rid of all of your date range filters.

To apply them, click on the purple "Apply" button on the bottom of your screen.

  • To know if a filter is being applied, look at the funnel button to the right of the search bar and see if there's a red dot there.

Filter Applied Button

Sales Orders: These are the orders that your business is selling to its customers. They are sorted and filtered in the exact same way as your Purchase Orders (please see the above instructions for details).

Products: This section will show you either the products that your organization is selling or the raw materials that your organization has received from suppliers.

Products Menu

  • Items Low in Stock: These are the items that your organization has determined to be low in stock due to them being at or below the lowest quantity threshold you have set for them.
  • Excess Stock: Items that you are overstocked on due to being above the highest quantity threshold you have set for them.
  • Reserved Stock: Stock that's being reserved for a specific reason. It might be inventory you're reserving for a customer's order or it could be inventory that your organization is saving to

Filter: Products can be filtered in a similar method to filtering your categories, You can click on the funnel and then filter things by status, categories, packages or their price. You can either "Clear All" to get rid of filters or use the "Apply" button to add them to your products.


The account section is the part where you can modify important details about your account.

To access it, click on the "Account" button on the bottom-right corner of your screen, as seen below highlighted in purple:

Account Section

  • Account Details:
    • In this section, you can edit the Personal Details of your account. These include First Name, Last Name, Email Address, Contact Number and Designation.
      • Please note that your contact number, or phone number, must be exactly ten digits. Don't include dashes.
    • Once you've included the information that you want to, click on the purple "Update Profile" button to save the information that you've entered.

Organization Details

    • You can delete your account by going under "Account Settings" and then clicking the "Delete Account" button.

Delete Account Button

  • Change Password: To change your password, click on the "Change Password" tab and then enter in both your current password and the new password you wish to switch to.
    • Once you're done, click on the purple "Change Password" button.

Change Password

Logout: To logout, click on the "Logout" button underneath your name and title in "My Profile".

Logout of Account

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