Activity Logs

The "Activity Logs" section of QuickTrack RFID provides you with an overview of the changes you've made to your account.

  • This includes things like creating new products, updating products, reserving quantities of products, marking products as active/inactive and more.

To access your Activity, click on your profile icon in the upper right corner of your screen (as shown by the black arrow in the image below).

How to Access Your Activity Logs

Once this menu is open, you'll click on the button that says "Activity Logs" as shown below.

This button will lead you to the main menu for "Activity Logs" which looks like this:

Every entry in your "Activity Log" will be displayed from most recent at the top to the oldest one at the bottom.

The left side of each entry explains what the change was and the right side had the date when it happened.

Some (but not all) entries will have an arrow dropdown that allows you to access more information about a change. Please see the example of this dropdown in the image below.

If you click on that dropdown, the entry you're expanding will be highlighted purple and the additional information will appear (as seen below).

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