System Users

A "system user" is someone who is able to access/use your QuickTrack RFID account and potentially make changes to it.

To start accessing your "system users," click on the "System Users" button under the "Users" section of the menu on the left side. This button is highlighted in purple on the image below.

System Users Button

Clicking on this button will lead you to the main "System Users" menu.

System Users Menu

  • To change the number of rows that are displayed, follow the blue arrow to the dropdown menu and select your choice.
    • You can choose between 10, 25, 50 and 100 rows being displayed at a time.
  • The "Previous" and "Next" buttons are pointed at by the red arrow above. These let you switch between pages of your suppliers.
  • "Filters" can be found next to the green arrow. Status can be sorted by "All," "Active" or "Inactive". Press the purple "Show Results" button to filter or the white "Cancel" button to stop. The "Clear All" text in the top right corner of the menu will get rid of all currently applied filters.

Filter By Status

    • Once a filter has been applied, a green circle will appear on the "Filters" button to let you know that a filter is currently on.

Filter Applied Button

  • Adding a system user can be done by clicking on the purple "Add System User" button near the top-right corner of your screen while in the "System Users" menu. It is what's being pointed at by the black arrow in the main menu image.
    • This will take you to the "Add System User" page where you will be asked to fill out information about the system user. Any field that is marked by a red asterisk is mandatory, while anything that isn't will not have one/say (optional) next to the field's name.

Add System User Menu

  • Once the basic information above has been filled out, you will have to set permissions for the system user. This determines what they can and can't do within your account.
    • To grant a permission on one of the sections, click the white box to "check" the ones you want to select. Selected permissions will have a purple box with a white checkmark.
    • You can select "All Permissions" to give them access to everything within a row.
    • To set someone as an administrator, click on "Set as Admin" on the right side of the "Permissions" menu (pointed at by the blue arrow). This will allow them to do everything within the QuickTrack RFID system.

Click on the purple "Add System User" button in the bottom-right corner to create the system user or use "Cancel" to stop what you're doing.

Add System User Button

A green notification saying "User created successfully" appears in the upper-right corner of the screen if the creation has been completed.

User created successfully

To view or edit things about a system user, use the "three dot" menu on the right side of the user's info menu. From here you can view details of the user, edit the user, mark them as active/inactive (a form of soft deletion from the system) or delete the user.

Three Dot Menu for System User

  • If you go to mark a user as inactive, a notification will appear asking you to confirm your decision by clicking on the white "Mark Inactive" button.
    • This same process works for marking a user as active.

Mark User Inactive Confirmation

Filters can be applied to your system users after you've created multiple. Click on the three line icon next to any of the categories you wish to filter by.

  • If there is no filter applied, then the icon will have the longest line in the middle of the icon.
  • When the icon is going in descending order from the top, the numbers go from the highest to lowest as you go down or in reverse-alphabetical order for letters.

Filter Column

  • Ascending order (the line goes from shortest at the top to longest at the bottom), the numbers go from the lowest to highest and the letters are in alphabetical order.

You can also filter your system users by using the search bar function that's pointed at by the orange arrow.

  • You can search by name, contact number/phone number, email address, or their designation/job title.

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