Payment Summary

The "Payment Summary" menu will give you an overview of the payments that you've made for your subscription to QuickTrack RFID.

To access this, click on your profile icon in the upper right corner of your screen and then select the "Payment Summary" button.

This will lead you to the main menu for "Payment Details" which is shown below.

Payment Details Main Menu

  • To update your payment information, follow the black arrow up above and click on the purple "Update" button.

    • Once you've clicked it, the menu below will appear. Any field with a red asterisk is required. Once you've filled it out, you can click on the purple "Update Card" button. If you wish to stop, click on "Cancel" instead.

Update Credit Card Information Menu

    • After filling out everything, the green notification below will appear:

Credit card updated successfully

  • To download an invoice for a payment, follow the blue arrow on the main menu image and click on the purple button for that invoice under the "Download Invoice" column.

    • This will open up a separate tab where you can either view invoice and payment details, download your invoice or download a receipt.

View Invoice and Payment Details

  • If you want to cancel your subscription, click on the purple "Cancel Subscription" button in the upper-right corner of your screen as shown by the green arrow in the image of the main menu above.

Cancel Subscription Confirmation Menu

Once you've clicked on that button, a warning notification will appear. Press "Cancel" to stop the Cancel Subscription process or click on the purple "Ok" button to confirm the cancellation.

WARNING: If you cancel your subscription, you will no longer be able to access your inventory data after the cancellation.

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