
A rack is the storage area for your inventory.

To create a rack, click the "Rack" button underneath the "Inventory" menu on the left side of your screen. This button is highlighted in purple below.

Rack Button

Once you've clicked on this button, you'll be lead to the main page for your racks.

Racks Main Menu

  • Changing the number of entries per page can be done by clicking on the menu pointed to by the green arrow. Options include 10, 25, 50 and 100 entries.
  • You can filter your results using the search bar (indicated by the red arrow above). They can be filtered by the Rack Number, Tag ID or the Warehouse.
  • To view all of the racks in a warehouse, click on the dropdown menu next to the blue arrow. From here you can either click on the warehouse that you want or search for it within the search bar.

Select Warehouse Menu

  • Use the "Previous" and "Next" buttons that the orange arrow points to in order to switch between your pages.

Create a Rack

  • To begin rack creation, click the purple "Create Rack" button that's pointed at by the black arrow.
    • This will lead you to the "Create Rack" menu where you enter in:
      • Warehouse (mandatory)
      • Tag ID (optional): The numbers that are attached to the barcode on the rack, no more than 24 characters, 0-9 and A-F. For example, ABC123.
      • Rack, which is the name of your rack such as Rack #1, North Rack, South Rack, etc.

Create a Rack Menu

After you've entered in all of your necessary information, press the purple "Create" button that's pointed at by the blue arrow above. If you wish to cancel instead, click the white "Cancel" button.

Rack Creation Successful Notification

If you have successfully created a rack, you'll see "Rack Creation Successful" as a green notification in the upper right corner of your screen.

Edit or Delete a Rack

To edit a rack, click the purple pen icon on the right side of it and save your changes. To delete a rack, click the red trash can icon.

Once you've created a few racks, you'll be able to filter their Rack Number, Tag ID and Warehouse by using the three-lined button to the right of each one.

Filter Rack Columns

The icon above indicates that no filter is being applied. Clicking the icon will change the filter. If the lines are in descending order, things will go alphabetically from the top down. When the lines are in ascending order, it will do the opposite.

Rack Column Example

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