
Your packages serve as a sort of "bundle" or combination of products that's sold to customers.

As an example, let's say that your business sells peanut butter, jelly and bread as individual products.

When broken down into categories, the peanut butter and jelly go into your "condiments" category and the bread falls under a "baked goods" category that you've created with QuickTrack RFID.

The "package" in this case would be a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, which consists of the peanut butter, jelly and bread previously mentioned. It's essentially a group of items that you're selling as one thing to the customer.

To access your packages, click the "Packages" button underneath "Inventory" on the leftmost menu of your screen. This button can be seen highlighted in purple below.

Packages Button

Create a Package

To begin creating a package, click on the purple "Create Package" button near the top-right corner of your screen.

Create a Package

After that button has been clicked, you will be asked to provide a package name (mandatory) and a description (optional).

Create Package Menu

Products can be added to your package during creation by clicking on the "Add Products" button near the left corner of the menu. The "Cancel" button can be pressed here to stop doing this.

Add Products Button

Next, you'll be lead to a menu where you can select the products you want to add to your package.

Add Product to a Package

To add products to the package, click on the check boxes that are displayed to the left of your products. A product has been selected when a purple box with a white checkmark appears (as seen below with the blue arrows).

Add Product to a Package

The search bar can be used to filter your results by their Name, SKU, Last Stock In, Last Stock Out, Category, Available Stock and Price/Unit (in $).

Search Bar

To sort/filter individual columns, you can click the button directly to the right of the column name (highlighted in yellow below).

Filter Columns

This icon indicates that no filter has been applied:

No Filter Applied Icon

This icon indicates that your products are sorted in descending order:

Descending Order Icon

This icon indicates that your products are sorted in ascending order:

Ascending Order Icon

You can also make another product to put in your package by using the "Create New Product" button in the bottom left corner of the menu and then clicking "Add to Package" once you've filled it out. Please see our section on Products for more help with product creation.

Create New Product Button

Once all the desired products have been added to the package, click the purple "Done" button when you're ready to continue or the "Cancel" button if you no longer wish to make a package.

Cancel Or Done Button

Clicking "Done" will add any products that you've selected to the package, including the product's image (if one has been provided).

The quantity of a product within a package can be changed in the "Qty" section of your product by using the up or down arrows or by typing a number where the current quantity number is.

Change Product Quantity

To the right of your product, you'll see a trash can icon to delete your product (pictured below with the red arrow) and the product's price (pictured below with the blue arrow).

Trash Can Icon or Product Price

Click the trash can to delete your product from the package if desired.

If you want to add another product (or if you deleted a product by mistake), you can add more with the "Add Products" button pictured below with the blue arrow when you're creating your package.

Add Products Button

You can also add products with another "Add Products" button that's below next to the blue arrow:

Add Products Button, Total Cost of Package and Enter in New Total Cost Button

The total cost of your package is shown on the bottom-left side of your products section (it's being pointed at by a red arrow above).

You can enter in a new total cost with the entry field that the black arrow above is pointed at.

After entering in all of the information that you need, you can click the purple "Create Package" button in the bottom right corner to finish making it or click on "Cancel" to stop creating a new package.

Cancel or Create Package Button

If your package was created, a green notification will appear in the upper-right corner of your screen that says "Package saved successfully".

Package Saved Successfully Notification

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