
The "Inventory" menu gives you an overview of your company's inventory. To access it, click on the "Inventory" button underneath "Inventory" on the leftmost menu of your screen (as pictured below).

Inventory Button

Once you've clicked on this button, you'll be lead to the main "Inventory" menu as pictured below.

Inventory Main Menu

  • To change the number of rows that are displayed in the Inventory main menu, follow the blue arrow and click on the dropdown menu. Options include 10, 25, 50 and 100 entries.
  • To alternate between pages you can follow the red arrow and either click on "Previous," "Next" or the numbers in between them.
  • The black arrow points to the search bar where you can search by a specific RFID Tag, Name, SKU, Stock In, Stock Out, Category or Price (in $) that you're looking for.
  • Filter can be found next to the green arrow. You can narrow down the results that appear by entering in a desired Stock-In Date, Stock-Out Date, Category, Price Range or Non-Trackable Inventory.


    • If you wish to stop using the Filter tool, click on "Cancel" to stop, or press the purple "Show Results" button to confirm your selection.
    • The "Clear All" button will remove any selected filters you currently have applied after you click it and then "Show Results".
    • You will know that filters are being applied when you see a green dot next to the "Filters" button.

Filters Applied Button

  • The orange arrow leads you to the "Add Inventory" feature.
    • The first step is to select the purchase order that you wish to add inventory to and then click on the purple "Search" button.

Please Select an Order

    • This will bring you to the "Order Details" page where you can add inventory for the products that are listed by using the purple "Add Inventory" button.

Order Details

    • After clicking on that button, a menu will appear where you can add in the details you need to add inventory. Any field that's marked with a red asterisk is required. Click on the purple "Save" button to confirm or the "Cancel" button to stop.

Add Inventory Menu

    • If your save was successful, you'll get a green notification that says "Inventory Added Successfully" in the upper right corner of your screen.

Inventory Added Successfully

  • Editing inventory items can be done by clicking on the purple pencil icon on the right side of an RFID tag, as seen by the pink arrow within the main menu image above.
    • This will bring up an "Edit Inventory" menu where you can change aspects of your inventory. Click on the purple "Save" button after you're done to confirm or the white "Cancel" button to stop.

Edit Inventory

    • If the change was successful, you'll see the notification shown below on the upper-right corner of your screen.

Inventory Updated Successfully

Each column can be filtered by clicking the "three line" icon that's to the right of each column name (pictured below)

Filter Inventory Column

  • If the longest line is in the middle, it means that no filter is currently being applied to the column.
  • When the longest line is at the top, the column is going in descending order.
  • If the longest line is at the bottom, then the column is going in ascending order.

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