Product Sales Report

The Product Sales Report feature gives you an overview of all of the product sales your organization has made.

In order to access it, click on the "Product Sales Report" button on the leftmost menu underneath "Reports" as shown highlighted in purple below.

Product Sales Report Button

Once you've clicked on the button you'll be lead to the main menu of Product Sales Reports.

Product Sales Report Main Menu

  • To change the amount of rows that are available at once, follow the red arrow above and click on the number of rows. It can be changed from 10 to 25, 50 or 100.
  • The buttons near the orange arrow let you swap between the previous and next pages of your Product Sales Report.
  • To filter the results of your Product Sales Report, follow the blue arrow to the "Filter" button.
    • After you've clicked on it, you can filter by a few options for the date. These include "This Month," "Last Month" and "Custom Date" where you can enter in the Start Date and End Date for your desired Date Range.


    • Click on the purple "Show Results" button above to filter by your selected criteria.
      • You will know that a filter is being applied if you see a green dot next to the filter button.

Filters Applied

    • To cancel a filter, press the "Cancel" button shown above.
    • Use the "Clear All" button in the upper right corner to get rid of all filters that are currently being applied to your Product Sales Report.
  • If you want to export your Product Sales Report into an Excel file, follow the black arrow in the image above and click on "Export to CSV". Once you've clicked this the file will be downloaded to your computer.
  • Exporting a Product Sales Report to a PDF follows similar steps. Click the "Export to PDF" button being pointed at by a green arrow and then you'll download the PDF file to your computer.

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