Scan Report

The "Scan Report" feature allows you to view the results of each time you've performed the "Scan Inventory" action on your mobile device.

To access your "Scan Report" you'll want to go under the "Reports" menu to the leftmost side of your screen and then click on "Scan Report" (as shown highlighted below in purple).

Scan Report Button

Once you've clicked on this you'll be lead to the "Scan Report" main menu.

Scan Report Main Menu

  • To change the amount of rows that are available at once, follow the blue arrow above and click on the number of rows. It can be changed from 10 to 25, 50 or 100.
  • The buttons near the red arrow let you swap between the previous and next pages of your Scan Report.
  • To view one of the performed scan reports, click on the eye icon next to the one you want to view (shown by the green arrow above).
    • After you've clicked on the button to view your scan report you'll be taken here:

Scan Report Page

  • To change the amount of rows that are available at once, follow the blue arrow above and click on the number of rows. It can be changed from 10 to 25, 50 or 100.
  • You can swap between pages of your scan report by clicking on the buttons to the right of the red mouse button. These include both previous and next.
  • Your inventory during the scan will be segmented into 4 categories as seen by the menu the green arrow is pointing at up above:
    • Found: Inventory that was located during the scan.
    • Missing: Inventory that should have been found during an inventory scan that wasn't present.
    • Misplaced: Inventory that should have been in one location that was found at another instead.
    • New: Inventory that hasn't yet been scanned into your system yet.
  • Follow the black arrow in the image above to export your Scan Report to either a .CSV (Excel) file or a PDF document.

To filter individual columns, click on the three lines that are next to a column's name.

Filter Individual Columns

  • If the longest line is at the middle of the icon (as seen above), it means that no filter is currently being applied.
  • If the longest line is at the top, that means that the column is going in descending order.
  • When the longest line is located at the bottom of the icon, that means that the column is going in ascending order.

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