Customer Sales Report

Your Customer Sales Report tells you important information about your sales to customers.

To access this report, click on "Customer Sales Report" underneath "Reports" on the leftmost menu of your screen (highlighted in purple below):

Customer Sales Report Button

Once you've clicked on that button, you'll be lead to the main menu for your Customer Sales Reports.

Main Menu for Customer Sales Report

  • To change the number of rows that are displayed, follow the blue arrow to the dropdown menu and select your choice.
    • You can choose between 10, 25, 50 and 100 rows being displayed at a time (this is shown by the blue arrow).
  • The "Previous" and "Next" buttons are pointed at by the red arrow above. These let you switch between pages of your Customer Sales Reports.
  • The green arrow shows you the "Filters" button. Here you can filter your Customer Sales Reports by "This Month," "Last Month" or "Custom Date".
  • To export to an Excel file or a csv. file, follow the black arrow above to the "Export to CSV" button. Once you've clicked on it, the file will download.
  • Exporting your information to a PDF follows a similar process but you'll be clicking on the button the pink arrow is pointing to. The file will download after this.

The columns of "Customer," "Total Sales Revenue (in $)", "Total Orders" and "Average Order Value (in $)" can be filtered by using the button to the right of the column's name.

Filter Button

  • If the icon looks like it does above (with the longest line in the middle), then no filter is currently being applied.
  • When the longest line is at the top, that means that the column is going in descending order.
  • When the longest line is located at the bottom, that means that the column is going in ascending order.

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