Supplier Purchase Report

The Supplier Purchase Report is a page where you can view the purchases your business has made from suppliers.

To access it, click on the "Supplier Purchase Report" button that's on the leftmost menu underneath Reports.

Supplier Purchase Report Button

This will lead you to the main menu for the Supplier Purchase Report.

Supplier Purchase Report Main Menu

  • You can change the number of rows that are displayed by clicking on the menu that's pointed at by the blue arrow. Options include 10 rows, 25, 50 and 100 rows.
  • To change the page of your Supplier Purchase Report, click on either "Previous" or "Next" as pointed at by the red arrow.
  • You can filter the results by clicking the "Filters" button that's pointed at by the black arrow. Filtering options include This Month, Last Month and Custom Date. Click on the purple "Show Results" button to apply filters and click on the "Cancel" button to stop what you're doing.


  • You can export to a .CSV or Excel file by following the green arrow to the "Export to CSV" button and clicking on it to download the Excel file to your device.
  • Exporting to a PDF can be done by clicking on the button next to the orange arrow.

The results of the columns can be filtered by clicking on the button to the right of the column name.

Total Purchase Cost (in $)

  • If the longest line is in the middle, that means that no filters are currently being applied to that column.
  • When the longest line is at the top, that means that the column's data is going in descending order.
  • The longest line being at the bottom means that the column data is going in ascending order.

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