Sites and Locations

Sites and Locations

A site is a larger area, such as a building or address.  A location is a subset to the site, such as a room or office within a site. 

Sites and Locations help you to accurately determine the area you are taking an inventory of.  They also give your assets a home location (the specific location your asset is usually kept and would be returned to if it was ever checked out). 

When setting up Sites and Locations, be sure to consider how you will be performing an inventory.  

For more information on account setup, including sites and locations, watch this video.

For Example:

Grey Trunk RFID is one of our sites.  The IT Office is a location, a much more specific area, within the site. 

When we begin a scan, we will confirm we are performing an inventory at the Grey Trunk RFID Headquarters in the IT Office so we can determine which assets are found, missing, or misplaced.  

Adding and Editing Sites

To add a site:

  1. Click on the "gear" icon in the upper right corner or click "Setup Account" from the dashboard

  1. Click on Site Information -> Click on "Add Site"

  1. Add Site Information including:
    1. Site Name (this is the only required field)
    2. Address
    3. City
    4. State
    5. Postal Code
    6. Description 
  2. Click "DONE" to add the Site
  3. To add more Sites, click "Add Sites".  
    1. There is no limit to how many sites you can add. 

To edit a site:

  1. Click the "Edit" icon next to site name

  2. Edit the information you need to change.
  3. Click "Done" to Save the changes.  

Moving Site Location

To switch the location of a site, click the arrows that are located to the left of the site name, then drag them up or down to where you want them.

To import or bulk add sites:

Importing becomes available once you add ONE site. Importing Sites is a quick and easy way to add multiple sites to your account.  

  1. Click "Import Site"

  2. Click "Download Template"  
  3. Open the Excel file and enter the information for Site Name, Address, City, State, Description and Postal Code.  
    1. Only Site Name is required
  4. Save the Document 
  5. Click on "Upload File" and add your saved Excel file.
    1. The File Name will appear
  6. Click Import

Adding and Editing Locations

To add a location:

  1. Click "Add Location"
  2. Choose the Site that you want to have your Location be a subset to
  3. Add the Location name 
  4. Click "Done"
  5. Repeat until you have all your locations added to your specific Sites.
    1. There is no limit to the amount of locations you can have per Site

To edit a location:

  1. Click the "Edit" icon next the location name
  2. Make the necessary changes to the Location
  3. Click "Done" to save your changes

Changing Location Position

To change the position of a location, click the arrows that are located to the left of the site name, then drag them up or down to where you want them.

To import locations:

Importing becomes available once you add ONE location.  Importing locations is a quick and easy way to add multiple locations to your account.

  1. Click "Import Location"
  2. Select the Site you want to import your locations to
  3. Click "Download Template" 
  4. Open the Excel file and enter your locations for the Site you selected
  5. Save the Document
  6. Click on "Upload File" and add your saved Excel file.
    1. The file name will appear
  7. Click Import

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