Adding Assets from Mobile

To begin adding assets on the Grey Trunk mobile application, the first step is to click on the menu button in the upper-left corner of the app.

Next, you will click on the "Add Asset" button.

Once you have pressed this button, you will be prompted to enter in your Asset Tag ID. This can be done either manually or with the barcode scanner button that is located on the right.

From here, you can add the purchased date, category, description, brand and whether or not the asset is a new asset. Please note that only the sections that are marked with an * are required.

For the Asset Location, you will be asked to fill in the site and location. If desired, you may upload an image of the asset that you are logging into the system using the "Upload Image" button.

After this step, you will be asked to select whether or not the asset has any depreciation. Once you have made your selection, click the save button at the bottom of the application to finish logging the asset.

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