Changing Asset Status from Mobile App

The Grey Trunk application allows you to change the status of your asset(s) to one of four different statuses.

These statuses include: 

  1. Check Out
  2. Dispose
  3. Lost 
  4. Check-in

In order to change the status of an asset, you will select the dropdown menu in the upper-left corner of the application.

Underneath the "Assets" tab, click the "View Asset" button to view your current assets.

Your total assets will be displayed on the screen. From this point, you will select the asset that you wish to update the status of.

Once the asset has been opened, the available actions for that asset are displayed near the top of the screen. 

  • For an item that has not yet been checked out, these options include "Check Out," "Dispose" and "Lost." 
  1. When the "Check Out" option is selected, a menu will appear in which you fill out the details of the check out.
    1. The only required details are the "Checkout Date" section and the Site. 
    2. The rest of the selections are optional, but assets can be checked out to either an Employee or a Site/Location. 
    3. You may also enter in a due date or your notes.
    4. Once you have filled out the required details (those that are marked with an *) and any optional details that are desired, click the "Check Out" button at the bottom of the screen.

  1. If the "Dispose" option is selected, you will be able to select the disposal date and disposal reason.
    1. Once you have filled out the necessary details, click the "Dispose" button to dispose of the asset.

  2. If the "Lost" option is selected, a menu will appear in which you can provide the lost date (required) and a note (optional) for the asset.
    1. Click the "Lost" button at the bottom of the screen if you have filled out your desired details for the previous sections. This will mark the asset as lost.

  3. When you are ready to "Check-in" an asset that had previously been checked out, select the Check-in button on the upper-left section of the screen.
    1. From here, you will enter in a return date (required) and a note (optional).
    2. After both of these steps have been completed, click the button at the bottom of the screen to check-in the asset.
    3. If the asset was checked in, you should see a notification pop-up that says "Asset Status Updated Successfully."

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